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In Starndard
Entry in to VR Sim Racing

I am now starting to explore VR Sim Racing with an Oculus Rift! I went with the Rift over the HTC Vive purely out of native support in the games I play.

After much headache in upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10, getting the Rift working on my system

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0 Comments 31 March 2017
In Starndard

It has been a while since my last blog post, so I decided I better post something about what has been happening in my busy life!

I have a CNC!

I finished my 6040 CNC build and a blog post will come eventually...

Its a chinese 6040 CNC frame, controlled

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0 Comments 23 March 2017
In Starndard
Razor Dirt Quad Project

This project was completed a few months ago, I had been meaning to piece together a blog post but I've been a little pre-occupied.

The Mini Quad

I happened across this Razor Dirt Quad while driving my kids to daycare one morning, I drove them in to town hoping that

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0 Comments 07 October 2016
In Starndard
Optimize my pi wi fi

Raspberry Pi wifi on enterprise wifi hardware

I've been poking around to get stable wifi with my raspberry pi devices on my Aruba Networks wireless network. My network is far from a typical house solution. I have a rack, a server, Juniper router, Juniper switch, and an Aruba Networks wifi

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0 Comments 10 September 2016
In Starndard
I built a wifi "walkie" talkie for my kids; now you can too!

Introducing talkiepi

talkiepi is a wifi "walkie" talkie for your kids and their friends. It provides a very simple "push to talk" interface. When you push the button and talk, all the other talkiepis in the channel will hear what is being said.

talkiepi uses Mumble for its voice communication

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0 Comments 02 September 2016
In Starndard
Building an Internet Walkie Talkie using a Raspberry Pi v3

Introducing talkiepi.

New post: http://projectable.me/i-built-a-wifi-walkie-talkie-for-my-kids-now-you-can-too/

Ive had this idea for a VERY long time, to build a relatively cost effective, kid friendly, internet enabled walkie talkie. It has to be as simple as an oldschool walkie talkie to use, but it should run over wifi and allow

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0 Comments 21 August 2016
In Starndard
3D Printed, Raspberry Pi Powered, Planetarium Projector Nightlight - Part 1


My son was learning about stars and constellations in daycare and we realized that he is always in bed before it really gets dark outside, so I had the crazy maker-dad thought, lets build a realtime planetarium night light...

The pieces are actually pretty straight forward, big LED, LCD

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0 Comments 10 August 2016
In Starndard

Well, I have finally got all the ducks in a row and nodejs working correctly in debian. This means my new blog is up and running on Ghost.

Please keep a look out for all these guides I have been meaning to write, now that I have a content engine

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0 Comments 10 August 2016
In Starndard

Roller coaster motion stuff

Figured out how to make this work on my rig, details coming soon!

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0 Comments 18 June 2016
In Starndard

Gaming Rig Update

I got myself a new gopro and head mount, and I have been playing around with a better way to take videos.

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0 Comments 06 June 2016