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In Starndard

Yesterday I received my black friday specials from 3DRobotics. I now have everything assembled with the new goodies and its looking good!

This includes the APM2.5 case, i had to mod this to allow for the extra headers I installed for UART access, and so that I could continue to use the QAV500 mount points instead of zip-tie'ing to the frame (this means I only used the top of the case including the foam for barometric pressure sensor dampening).

With the new 3DR IV in place I have working voltage AND amperage readings (amperage readings are broken in 2.8.1 for attopilot voltage monitor for some unknown reason).

Excuse the crazy takeoff, it was not calibrated after leveling. Once it figured itself out, it flew really well.

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0 Comments 05 December 2012
Daniel Chote

Daniel Chote

Daniel Chote, the Code Monkey, Cat Herder, Maker, H4x0r, uav pilot, sim racer, bullshit artist and dad. Made in Hastings, New Zealand... Now living in the USA!

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