PWRover 2.0. I have started to build the 2.0 electronics for Project Power Wheels! I will be moving the controller in to the dash, this will shorten the wire runs for all the control components (steering, throttle, distance sensor and shifter). I am adding some serious bling to
I finally got around to re-assembling my QAV500 quadcopter with my Graupner receiver. Custom compiled ArduCopter 2.9 with hott-for-ardupilot modules and ran through the new calibration procedure.
It took about 5 minutes to do the auto trim setup once I had it outside, but after that it flew amazingly.
Project Hexa - Dual channel RGB LED strip flight+battery status module.
This is an arduino pro mini 16mhz with 6 PWM outputs coupled to an ULM2803 8 channel darlington array. This will power 2x 3 LED strips for each of the arms of the hexacopter. The channels will be
Project Hexa - Minor tweaks and 2nd flight!
Wrapped some electrical tape around the ESCs and wiring near the motors, this should cut out some airflow vibration that was happening, it will also make things a little more water resistant.
Did some PID tuning on the APM side of things.
Project Hexa - Maiden Flight!
Finally got things assembled, and firmware built with the HOTT modules (no GPS support, still causes random disarming).
Terrible first flight, to be expected, nothing has been tuned. But at least I now have a baseline.

As I am sitting here in the hotel room with my wife and kid asleep, I start to ponder a tactile sequencer/music device. A few months ago we went to Wisconsin and there was a kids museum thing that we went to. It had a spaceship that kids could
Project Hexa - Quicky before i leave on vacation update.
Got the new graupner radio gear in place and somewhat tested. Basic telemetry data from APM over HOTT is working after much fussing and commenting out of code (GPS telemetry update method causes stack to wonk out and disarm everything)
Project Hexa - Almost completely assembled. This is an ATG-700-AL frame, with Ardupilot Mega 2.5.
Camera gimbal is assembled and works. Motors/ESCs have all tested well too. I think ill try and take it out for its maiden flight at lunch today!

Project Hexa - Rebuild!
After many many months sitting in pieces, I have started to assemble this again. I decided to rewire everything to make it super tidy.
- Frame: ATG700-AL
- Motors: A2208-17
- ESC: Hobbywing 20A
- 3DR IV: Voltage/Amperage monitor