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In Starndard

Cleaned up my QAV500 quadcopter during lunch today.

Due to the size of the ESCs I am using (40a 6s capable), they do not fit in the intended space, and Initially I had them between the dirty (where the motors are) and clean (noise isolated for camera/controllers) platforms. However, this meant I had to add extra height between the 2 sections.  This had some unintended side effects, the weight sat too high in relation to the props, and when moving forward or backwards it would be very “floppy” (for lack of a better word), it would tend to over pitch.

I have put the ESCs on the underside now, and cleaned up the wiring significantly.  Will be testing it tomorrow.

0 Comments 08 November 2012
Daniel Chote

Daniel Chote

Daniel Chote, the Code Monkey, Cat Herder, Maker, H4x0r, uav pilot, sim racer, bullshit artist and dad. Made in Hastings, New Zealand... Now living in the USA!

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