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Gaming Rig - Dirt Rally FOV tweaks pt. 2!

It has been a while since I last fired up my rig, and there were some tweaks in 0.71 that extended the cockpit FOV setting. Unfortunately, the FOV alone does not a perfect match make, so I once again had to go back to editing the eyefinitycamerasadjustments.xml file.  You can read my last post here: http://tmblr.co/ZI30Hu1rcN8_C

My new settings are as follows:

 <CameraAdjustment class=“Head”>
   <Fov angle=“185” />
   <Tilt percent=“0” />
   <Position x=“0.0” y=“1.0” z=“10.0” />

Its not perfect, but pretty darn close. The main thing is that its playable, Dirt Rally is hard, using the interior view without a correct FOV is even harder!  The game preference FOV is set at 0, which required me to push the “Fov angle” in the xml file up quite a bit higher to achieve a similar angle as I had before.

0 Comments 15 September 2015
Daniel Chote

Daniel Chote

Daniel Chote, the Code Monkey, Cat Herder, Maker, H4x0r, uav pilot, sim racer, bullshit artist and dad. Made in Hastings, New Zealand... Now living in the USA!

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