My Nexus 7 rc transmitter mount! I got a fantastic deal on a refurbished 2nd gen Nexus 7 on eBay. It’s main purpose will be running droidplanner for my multirotors! I just finished rebuilding my QAV500 with a 3DR Pixhawk, can’t wait to take it out for its
Project MiniTriCopter - Completed!! Just took it outside in some 20+mph winds and it flew amazing. It’s so light that the wind doesn’t do much (other than add some wobbles).
Project MiniTriCopter - Build complete!! The cheap prop shaft adapters seem to be adding vibrations. I will be replacing these as soon as possible. It flies well however!
Project MiniTriCopter - GoPro test fit
Project MiniTricopter - Project EDF TriCopter is on hold until I can find some shielded wire to use for signaling to the ESCs. This tricopter is made to be very portable, and pack a gopro! Fabricated by hand from aluminum, I just have the motor mounts left before assembly.
I just had a great idea. What if we took a racing sim style motion feedback setup (chassis+chair suspended with some powerful fast actuators, coupled with a head tracking FPV headset, linked the motion feedback directly to the MAVlink stream and interpreted the aircraft accelerometer data directly with the
Project EDF Tricopter - Assembled!! Plus, first flight test!
- All aluminum hand built frame, with full tilt tail boom (bearings for smoothness)
- 3x 70mm ducted fan units (CW & CCW) powered by 2300KV motors + 60A ESCs on 6s battery!
- APM 2.5 running Arducopter 2.9-dev (git 3/8/
Project EDF TriCopter - Quicky update. Ducted fans are installed, servo hooked up and wiring has been done! I will be testing each component and then installing the APM 2.5 at some point today!
Project EDF TriCopter - Build progress update. Fabrication of 90% of the frame is now done. I will need to do some balancing and likely some changes to the landing gear once assembled to ensure it sits level, and the rear motor is not touching the ground.
Project EDF TriCopter - tail boom bearing mounts fabricated!