Rival Messenger - Update on embedded media previews!
After a lot of fine tuning and implementation of an Open Graph parser URL meta data for URLs linked in a chat is looking pretty damn nice!
There are 3 modes, try to resolve any/all metadata, only resolve metadata for sites that we know what to expect (list below), or don’t resolve anything (tinfoil hat mode).
The services that I have defined are as follows, and when you have it set to resolve all, if it doesnt find a match in our known services, it attempts to resolve Open Graph data on that URL.
- CloudApp
- Droplr
- Rottentomatoes
- GitHub (work in progress, will actually write a custom parser for this)
- YouTube
- Flickr
- Vimeo
- Imgur
- Dribble
- Hulu
- Dailymotion
- Scribd
- Slideshare
- Soundcloud
- Wordpress.com
I will obviously be able to add functionality as needed, but as a first pass I am very happy with how it works.