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In Starndard

PWRover almost fully assembled.

Project power wheels, almost fully assembled.  

Over the next few days I will be working on the code to run on the APM2. Last night I started a skeleton codebase, using the ardurover code to map the initial includes/setup and loop structure.  But aside from the imported libraries and basic loop structure, this code is entirely new/clean and specific to this purpose.  I thought long and hard about the pros and cons of being mission planner compatible, but decided that for this task its better to start with the correct foundation and then work towards the added features provided by mission planner (waypoint editing and gps navigation, etc).  

To start I needed nothing more than RC or Analog input to control the vehicle, and then I will be adding 2 motor controls with rear differential support to provide optimal motor management while turning. Thus far I have RC input and analog input (steering wheel pot/throttle pot) working to control steering/motors.

0 Comments 28 September 2012
Daniel Chote

Daniel Chote

Daniel Chote, the Code Monkey, Cat Herder, Maker, H4x0r, uav pilot, sim racer, bullshit artist and dad. Made in Hastings, New Zealand... Now living in the USA!

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