Project EDF Tricopter - Assembled!! Plus, first flight test!
- All aluminum hand built frame, with full tilt tail boom (bearings for smoothness)
- 3x 70mm ducted fan units (CW & CCW) powered by 2300KV motors + 60A ESCs on 6s battery!
- APM 2.5 running Arducopter 2.9-dev (git 3/8/2013) + hott-for-ardupilot classes (for telemetry)
- Graupner GR-24 receiver running PPMSum (yay 1 wire)
- Weight: 3lbs 4oz (4lbs 4oz with 3200Mah 6s battery)
I am amazed that this flew with default PIDs… One thing to note, which I am sure some tuning will help, is it starts to pitch and that pitch builds until stick correction is no longer enough (which is what happened in the vid). I hope its not electro magnetic interference from the motors… I would figure the aluminum around everything would act as a shield to some degree.