Scout6050 update. Tonight I cleaned up the audio engine stuff, added back pan and volume control. I also added in an oscillascope view! Thanks Stuart Memo for Wavy Jones, made this super easy!
Code can be found at

Scout6050 a combination of Pinoccio, MPU6050 Gyro+Accelerometer, MQTT (PubSub system), lighthttpd+websocket+mqtt bridge and HTML5, Javascript + HTML5 Audio!!
Premise is simple… It’s a wifi connected theramin! Yaw controls pitch, roll controls volume… It’s a work in progress but a working one! I
@goPinoccio MPU6050 project. I am currently putting together a basic 3-Axis streaming sketch that will eventually feed 3-Axis data to the browser via a web socket. My goal is to create an accelerometer enabled musical instrument entirely in javascript, using the Pinoccio mesh + gateway (to wifi) to accomplish it.
So, I never thought I would be hacking in java…. Ever… but I’m a huge fan of and an even bigger hater of crappy software ui. I have taken on the task of forking the arduino IDE, bundling the Pinoccio tool chain, and making the IDE
I’m one of the lucky ones to be a beta tester for Pinoccio and just got my scouts yesterday, wooo! I’ve been giddily playing with them and am madly impressed, this isn’t just about the promise of what’s possible anymore, it’s real :)
Project MiniTriCopter - Completed!! Just took it outside in some 20+mph winds and it flew amazing. It’s so light that the wind doesn’t do much (other than add some wobbles).

Project MiniTriCopter - Build complete!! The cheap prop shaft adapters seem to be adding vibrations. I will be replacing these as soon as possible. It flies well however!