Rival Messenger
Chat window logic complete… Next up chat protocol implementation! Adium style tearable/dockable tabs are functional. KVO updating of tab objects complete, and looking mighty fine.

Rival Messenger
Chat window logic complete… Next up chat protocol implementation! Adium style tearable/dockable tabs are functional. KVO updating of tab objects complete, and looking mighty fine.
Rival Messenger
Its late, but I got the entire object tree figured out for chat windows, tabs and chat sessions! It will be an adium style tearable tab chat window interface, but with chat/call headers much like skype does. The header will expose participants as well as extra functions
I got up early and managed to get some code down. Started on the chat interface for Rival Messenger. I am basing it roughly on how Adium does chat windows with tabs. It’s amazing how quickly even skeleton code balloons as you start something like this!
Rival Messenger
I finished the pending friend request logic tonight. We now bounce the dock, show the dock badge etc. Clicking the dock with a pending request will show the pending friend requests window, accept/decline works as expected and updates the applicable states of everything.
We have a website! I used this opportunity to get together a website and work on integrating the Sparkle updater framework to allow testers to automatically upgrade as I push out new development builds. I have my project scripted to increment the build number, and I have a
Rival Messenger
It has been a LONG time since I worked on a project with that name. I started Rival Messenger as a Windows app written in Visual Basic, way way back at the end of 1999! After much fussing, pushed by my own dislike of Skype, and everyone’s
NeoPixel Desk - I ordered 4m of NeoPixel strip a while back. I decided to finally attach it to my desk. Setup is pretty simple, ill eventually make it do cool things. The NeoPixel Uberguide has everything covered.
Transducer wiring for the sectional. I thought that using xt60 rc power connectors would make this whole setup a lot more maintainable and less error prone. It all came out nice! There are 2 transducers attached to the couch, wired in series (as per documentation). The couch is now sitting
Cheap vibration isolation for your couch/sectional for bass transducers!
I was looking online for a good solution for vibration isolation for our sectional. I was looking at bass transducers such as the Clark Synthesis or Buttkicker LFE. Both companies offer rubber solutions of varying expense, all far too expensive
Project Dyson v2 - Time to revisit this project, the last one failed when the stock impeller melted solid due to the speed of the brushless motor I had attached. This time around I will be mounting an EDF inside the housing, and blowing right out the back it. With