Raspberry Pi wifi on enterprise wifi hardware
I've been poking around to get stable wifi with my raspberry pi devices on my Aruba Networks wireless network. My network is far from a typical house solution. I have a rack, a server, Juniper router, Juniper switch, and an Aruba Networks wifi controller, with an access point on each floor of our house.
Having multiple access points all broadcast the same SSID seems to have uncovered an issue with the Raspberry Pi 3's Broadcom brcmfmac firmware/kernel module.
The issue I was experiencing was that the wifi would constantly connect/disconnect, then eventually loose connectivity entirely. I ended up using a 8192cu based USB adapter to overcome the issue. However, with a little poking around, I think I have solved the issue, thanks to a suggestion from @ukscone.
I looked at the module options for the brcmfmac kernel module:
systool -a -v -m brcmfmac
Module = "brcmfmac"
coresize = "186343"
initsize = "0"
initstate = "live"
refcnt = "0"
srcversion = "B33E7691EAF20C9A34D6807"
taint = ""
uevent = <store method only>
alternative_fw_path =
debug = "0"
fcmode = "0"
roamoff = "1"
.ARM.exidx.exit.text= "0x7f2ee574"
.ARM.exidx.init.text= "0x7f2ee550"
.ARM.exidx = "0x7f2ef6d4"
.ARM.extab.exit.text= "0x7f2ee568"
.ARM.extab = "0x7f2ee57c"
.ARM.extab.init.text= "0x7f2ee52c"
.alt.smp.init = "0x7f2ee504"
.bss = "0x7f2f1140"
.data = "0x7f2f0264"
.data.unlikely = "0x7f2f0f28"
.exit.text = "0x7f2e6de0"
.gnu.linkonce.this_module= "0x7f2f0f40"
.init.text = "0x7f306000"
.note.gnu.build-id = "0x7f2e6e04"
.rodata.str = "0x7f2e86e0"
.rodata = "0x7f2e6e28"
.rodata.str1.4 = "0x7f2e8c9c"
.strtab = "0x7f30e17c"
.symtab = "0x7f30609c"
.text = "0x7f2c9000"
__bug_table = "0x7f2e8ab0"
__mcount_loc = "0x7f2edf3c"
__param = "0x7f2edeb0"
Not a lot to run on compared to the HUGE amount that the 8192cu module has, but there was the one for roamoff, so I tried setting that and surprisingly it seems to have resolved the issues on my wifi network!
Turn off firmware roaming support
Create /etc/modprobe.d/brcmfmac.conf
and add the following:
options brcmfmac roamoff=1
For the sake of compliance, I also edited /etc/default/crda
to US (my wifi equipment is set for US; you would set this to your country code)
In addition to applying the module config, I suggest disabling power save and bluetooth if you don't need it.
Disable wifi power saving mode
Edit /etc/network/interfaces
and add up iw wlan0 set power_save off
to your wlan0 definition:
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual
wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
up iw wlan0 set power_save off
Disable Raspberry Pi 3's bluetooth
Edit /boot/config.txt
and append dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt
to the end of the file.
Then as root (sudo -i
) disable the bluetooth services:
systemctl disable bluetooth.service
systemctl disable hciuart.service
My 8192cu USB config
I'm including this here as a resource also. I found that the 8192cu connectivity to my Aruba Networks wifi was also very spotty until I did the following.
Create /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf
and add the following:
options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0
My r8188eu (HubPiWi) config
Same as the 8192cu, to ensure reliable a consistent wifi connection, we do the following.
Create /etc/modprobe.d/r8188eu.conf
and add the following:
options r8188eu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=0